Copyright Information

Copyright law gives authors/creators the exclusive right to do (and authorize others to do) the following: reproduce the work, prepare derivative works, distribute copies of the work, perform the work publicly, and display the work publicly.

If the work is licensed under copyright, you are required to obtain permission for use. Open Educational Resources (OER) are published under Creative Commons licenses and adhere to the 5Rs to revise, remix, reuse, retain, and redistribute allowing them to be adaptable and sharable without requiring permission or legal repercussions.

Searching the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

The DOAJ is an online directory that provides access to high quality, peer-reviewed, open access journals.

1. To Search for JOURNALS: from the homepage enter the journal title (uncheck “articles” if you would prefer not to search articles also) or keywords for journal. Run query. Review results.

2. To BROWSE SUBJECTS: Select “Browse Subjects” from the menu heading. Select desired subject.

3. The results are narrowed by facets. Each “+” expands and the limiters appear above the results.

Finding Open Images Online: Using Google

1. Go to Google Images (

2. Run a search. The displayed images will be a mix of protected images and open.

3. To find open images, click “Tools”

4. Select “Usage Rights” and select your preferred filter. “Labeled for reuse with modification” is the most open and will limit the images to those licensed for commercial/noncommercial purposes and modification.

5. Select an image and “View” or “View Page”

6. Review the license.

7. On Wikimedia Commons the license is located beneath the image, under “Summary.” See images below for additional examples from Pixabay and Flikr.

Finding Open Images Online: Creative Commons

1. Go to

2. Click “Search the Commons”

3. Enter your search query and select your facet (only one per search). The two boxes checked beneath the search box will grant the most open results. filter results to be only open items.

4. Run your search

5. Review the license